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September 2022 Meeting Minutes

Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation Meeting Notes

(09/12/2022 6:00pm-7:10pm Zoom and Angie Robert's house)


  • Jenny Tomlin, Angie, Jen Chen, Peggy, Christine, Annie, Erin, Mrs. Peterson, Ms. Sheikh, Mr. Figone, Julie, Megan, Seth, Sheila, Shannon, Olivia, Cindy, Elyse, Angel, Razelene

  • August Meeting Minutes Approval – Julie motioned to approve, Olivia seconded, all approved

President’s Report (Jenny)

  • Back to School Picnic: was not considered a Foundation fundraising event, but was a super success and a lot of people enjoyed it. We made $300 ($12% back from Mexican food that was sold; the vendor made $1100. From Filipin’ Pizza, we made around $160).

  • Photo session event for all Adobe Bluffs families who are interested:

    • Two sessions with over 20 slots on Sat and Sun.

    • Raechel Denise (Sat 9/24) and Christian Delon (Sun 9/25-rescheduled to Sun 10/2). Sign-ups open on 9/13/22

    • 100% of proceeds goes to Adobe Bluffs

  • The Foundation will provide school funding requests for CPR training, recess equipment, and hopscotch for the kindergarten/first grade school playground area.

  • Funding Votes:

    • $700 for Recess Equipment: The Foundation will provide updated recess equipment such as basketballs, soccer balls, jump ropes, hula hoops, etc. for classrooms. (Olivia motioned to approve, Seth seconded, all approved 9/12/22)

    • $800 for CPR Training: The Foundation will provide CPR training to staff. CPR training is needed for the health office every other year at $30/person. (Angie motioned to approve, Peggy seconded, all approved 9/12/22)

    • $500 for Hopscotch: The Foundation will provide a hopscotch reusable stencil and asphalt paint. For the space, 3 hopscotches can be placed instead of 1 four square court. Per Mrs. Peterson, hopscotch goes with skills important for kindergartners and first graders to build. Mrs. McCrady offered to help; volunteers will help with the labor (Angie motioned to approve, Jen C. seconded, all approved 9/12/22)

  • The Foundation spent over $75,000 on bungalow upgrades at the end of last year.

    • Teachers got new furniture; one classroom didn’t receive upgrades due to a late classroom addition for the teacher

    • Discussed equitable funding space

Principal Report (Mrs. Peterson)

  • Discussed school upgrades:

    • New backpack carts: Four more new backpack carts were purchased for classrooms with the district budget. The district found that the backpack carts could get damaged if it rains since there is no covering in the bungalow area.

    • New Hooks on rails: The district found that the hooks that go on the end of the rails where children walk can be used, so some backpack carts can be moved to other areas where they are needed.

    • Roof: we are going to work on the roof to update the bungalows

    • Assistant Superintendent Team of Maintenance and Operations: entire team walked through classrooms to see what was put together and what could be improved upon; they went through audio and visual to make the sound a little bit better

    • Carpet installation for remaining portable bungalows will be completed over winter break

    • School upgrades that were on our list were approved and funding was received

    • We were approved to add more classrooms: New furniture was added to classrooms; last minute classroom addition was the only classroom that didn’t get new furniture.

  • Addressed funding for new teacher who still needs classroom upgrades:

    • A few things were traded among teachers to help reshuffle furniture for the new classroom that was added.

    • Working on switching and upgrading the teacher’s classroom on a continued basis: offered options to upgrade and per teacher’s request, we’ll start the school year first. We will reassess what the teacher would like; school budget will be used first.

    • Jenny T: If more is needed for funds throughout the year, it can be placed on a wish list for the Foundation to help if needed.

  • ABES expectations: Be Safe. Be Respectful. Be Responsible.

    • Assembly: This year, all students were in the MPR; had 4 different assemblies

    • Students were divided by their lunch groups. Kindergarteners were together, first and second, etc.

    • Students were grouped in smaller groups so we could still hold these assemblies.

  • A new school counselor, Ms. Robyn Simuong, will start at ABES. She is currently the ESS Supervisor from Westwood. She has been an employee of Poway Unified for the last 10 years and has Second Step Program experience.

  • Second Step Program - is a social emotional curriculum used at Adobe Bluffs and many schools at Poway:

    • Teaches emotional regulation for growth and mindset: focuses on students’ needs, problem solving, and strategies; helps create positive change in the classroom environment and in our community

    • Taught by teachers and counselors; with the digital version, it will be available to every teacher

    • Second Step Program funding request: $2,719 request for a 1-year membership for entire school

    • 2021-2022 school year: program was approved at the end of Sept, license began in Oct, teachers used the program starting the beginning of Oct (Second Step survey was sent out to teachers)

  • Jenny T: Second Step Program (status updated on 9/20/22): Mrs. Peterson confirmed that the district will cover this expense district-wide with the digital version from the Services Department.

    • Teachers should have access by October 1st.

    • The Foundation generated teacher survey was completed by 9 teachers/staff which showed agreement that the program was used and proved useful last school year.

Teacher Report (Ms. Sheikh)

  • Addressed equitable funding space for the classroom that was added: tables were shuffled among classrooms; shipments of Koi and Wave Tables were split up and sent over to the teacher.

  • Addressed Second Step Program: program was easy to squeeze into her schedule

  • Jenny T.: Ms. Sheikh sent out a Google request for recess equipment. Need additional buckets for recess equipment: basketballs, jump ropes, hula hoops, etc.

Silent Auction (Julie/Megan)

  • After 2 years of virtual, looks like Silent Auction will be in person in the MPR; can still bid online

  • Local grocery stores/restaurants: Sign Up Genius (sign up for 1-2), email for follow up.

  • Kids/Mega prize raffle: volunteers needed (2 volunteers for kids and 1 volunteer for mega prize)

  • Foundation discussed: places to donate, tourism, season tickets, hotels, kids’ gifts, front row special seating for awards and graduation.

  • Jenny T: Marketing for vacation place donations will be sent out

  • Mr. Figone and Ms. Sheikh will reach out to Julie and Megan regarding teacher experiences

  • Class Baskets: Lead room volunteers will put together class baskets (LRV meeting will be held).

Financials/Reserves (Jen Chen)

  • Last meeting, we had a deficit of $30,000 ($66,000 committed to teachers’ salaries)

    • Paid: $23,353 in teachers’ salaries (half of balance of 3 impact teachers, half of balance of choir, PE teacher interest has not come in yet)

    • Paid: $1,400 to Caroline for gardening/weeding, $500 for health supplies (Sundee spent $300), $200 spent on legacy brick installation

    • $700 initially allocated to bungalow furniture released by Mrs. Peterson to cover recess equipment, noted by Jenny and Jen C.

  • $43,428: pays the rest of the teacher salaries

    • Bulk of it will come at the end of the school year

    • We have the whole year to raise the rest of the funds for teachers’ salaries.

  • Funds Raised:

    • August - Raised $10,660

    • September - Raised a little over $6,000

    • About another $3,000 is coming soon

  • Our current balance is $29,205

    • Right now, we’re at a deficit of $20,000 ($10,000 less than start of school year)

    • Jenny T: We will raise funds with Silent Auction, Jog-A-Thon, Initial Asks, Corporate Match

Membership (Christine)

  • Memberships through the end of August calculated:

    • 118 out of 560 students have donated (21% of our student base).

    • These memberships come from a total of 85 families.

  • Jenny T: Some donated the $150/student amount, some are doing monthly payments, some gave more, 2 preschool students’ families also donated. Jen C. will track the total amount.

    • Track Oct first to see if we reach initial ask goal of $20-25,000

    • Banner up front of school and blog will be updated

  • Marketing discussed

    • PTA and Foundation coordinated email efforts

    • Christine will discuss with Brenda regarding marketing

    • Annie and Erin: will work on a communication calendar of our events

    • Angel C.: will discuss PTA and Foundation at first PTA meeting on Thursday 9/15 at 6pm

  • Jenny T.: Communication piece for PTA and Foundation mentioned in ABES Welcome Packet

Next meeting: Monday, October 10th

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©2023 by Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation.  |  Tax ID Number: 35-2183349

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