Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation Meeting Notes
(10/10/2022 6:00pm-7:15pm Zoom and Seth Camhi’s house)
Jenny Tomlin, Angie, Jen Chen, Paloma, Christine, Annie, Erin, Mrs. Peterson, Ms. Sheikh, Mr. Figone, Julie, Megan, Seth, Sheila, Olivia, Cindy, Shannon, Abby, Elyse, Clara, Angel, Razelene
September Meeting Minutes Approval – Olivia motioned to approve, Jen C. seconded, all approved
President’s Report (Jenny)
Approved funding items:
Hopscotch stencil is being purchased. Hopscotch measurements will be done to make hopscotches look similar.
CPR Training: approved up to $800 in anticipation of 25 people signing up; only need about $400 for 12 people who signed up.
Second Step Program:
There were 3 questions on the teachers’ survey, 9 teachers responded, 100% used it on a regular basis and made it a part of their curriculum for close to 200 students.
The district decided to fund the program for every school within the school district so the Foundation will not need to use funds for the program.
Principal Report (Mrs. Peterson)
No updates
Brainstorm any other on campus ideas to add to the Silent Auction
Teacher Report (Ms. Sheikh/Mr. Figone)
Ms. Sheikh: Thanks for replenishing the equipment baskets.
Teachers who filled out the form were able to get playground equipment.
Lots of kids are playing with the new equipment.
Follow up was sent to Jenny for a couple of teachers who still need to fill out equipment form.
Jenny T: has more playground balls- kick balls, basketballs
Mr. Figone: sent out Silent Auction document for teachers. Waiting to hear back and will send out.
Classroom Donation Contest (Christine, Peggy, Erin, Annie)
Classroom donation contest (donut party) update:
Christine: The last 2 weeks of September donut party contest was a huge success!
Top 2 class winners:
From K-2nd grade: Mrs. Curry’s class (80% donations)
From 3rd-5th grade: Mr. Figone’s class (46% donations)
Annie & Erin- great marketing and communication and thanks Jen for pulling up spreadsheets constantly
Small Events- Photoshoot (Shannon)
Photo session recap:
It was a great success!
A total of 16 families participated ($2,000)
Each family received multiple digital photos
Be Strong-A-Thon/Jog-A-Thon (Sheila/Seth)
Be Strong-A-Thon/Jog-A-Thon update:
The Foundation can choose in person or virtual. We can earn 65% or 70%.
Jenny T.: On-site Jog-A-Thon vs. virtual Strong-A-Thon:
Vote: The Foundation voted for an on-site Jog-A-Thon fundraiser instead of a virtual Be Strong-A-Thon (all approved on 10/10/22).
Jog-A-Thon Date:
Will be held in the last weeks of March
Will be held on a Friday at the end of the day
Jenny T.: Potential dates- 3/20-3/31
We’ll reconfigure with Mr. Figone and Mrs. Peterson.
Silent Auction (Julie/Megan)
Silent Auction update: If volunteered on Sign Up Genius, email Juile/Megan
Amazing response this year: received many donations, including generous donations. Thank you, Jenny, for sending out marketing- got a lot of parent response (small business/jewelry donations)
Food vendors are being finalized:
Baskin Robbins- will do ice cream
We will have 2 food vendors.
Food will be from 5-5:30pm.
Foundation discussed ways to keep children entertained: Legos, kids raffle, art, possible outdoor movie theater screen
Stacey Leathersich (voice coach) with her trio: will be singing holiday songs.
Need to figure out timing and placement of events
Jenny T: Julie/Megan have the kids raffle items already. Target donated $50. Smart and Final donated $250. Erin will help with the kids' raffle.
Parliamentarian/Bylaw (Paloma)
Foundation discussed:
Tracking of donations (event volunteers, cash donations)
Paloma: Addressed Foundation’s financial secretary spreadsheet used for tracking donations
Current spreadsheet tracks donations well
Foundation suggested and discussed:
A campaign for overall Foundation goals for the school year and ways to communicate with families
Financials/Reserves (Jen Chen)
Last month, we had a deficit of $10,000. Now the deficit is only $6,000.
Venmo charity account: We’re going to get a Venmo charity account so people can donate at events (linked to PayPal).
Jenny T.: Mega Prize/kids raffle- Venmo will be huge at the Silent Auction.
We’ll use it in lieu of the credit card reader and apps that were used in the past that had wi-fi connection issues.
Universal Studios Mega Prize tickets will be sold up until 6:30pm.
Membership (Christine)
First Ask campaign:
224 students out of 553 students had contributions made from their families (40.5% of our student population)
Made nearly $30,000
A couple of families do recurring payments (how much is paid in first 2 months are not annual contributions so that amount will be about $1,000)
Jenny T.: The goal was $20,000, internal stretch goal was $25,000. We Made $30,000. Great job!
Jen C: Corporate matching is coming in.
Foundation discussed:
Importance of raising school funds through family contributions per student memberships and fundraising event contributions
Importance of communicating and explaining to families all the things the Foundation does to support students and why monetary donations are needed so families will donate to the Foundation’s goals/fundraising efforts
Importance of keeping families engaged in fundraising initiatives through communication
Importance of following up with families who donate; recognize initial and repeat donors
Jenny T: Everyone did a good job recognizing everyone who donated to the first ask campaign even without the contest.
Jenny sent a personalized thank you to a number of people for all the families who donated.
Blog post communication/marketing addressed
PTA Liaison (Angel)
October is busy:
Book fair, pizza night in the evening
Reflections: deadline to submit artwork/composition is 10/24. Theme is: Show Your Way.
Running club started up.
Odyssey of the Mind is starting.
There is a link on your LRV updates.
Volunteers: only one person is processing the paperwork for the entire district, so a lot of volunteers haven’t been cleared.
First coffee talk last Friday went well. New counselor is really energetic; she has a lot of great ideas for social-emotional support for our kids
New Raven Mascot logo:
Actual design for the Raven mascot has not been chosen yet.
There is a committee of teachers in charge of getting the design created.
Abby: We have been speaking with Angie, the new 5th grade teacher, trying to coordinate something to get the logo that is in the process of being designed into the yearbook.
They gave us some ideas for the yearbook cover.
If anyone has any ideas on the yearbook cover email Abby.
Rainbow week: will be put on social media
Next meeting: Monday, November 14th