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November 2022 Meeting Minutes

Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation Meeting Notes

(11/8/2022 6:03pm-7:09pm Zoom and Erin’s house)


  • Jenny Tomlin, Angie, Jen Chen, Paloma, Christine, Annie, Erin, Mrs. Peterson, Ms. Sheikh, Mr. Figone, Julie, Megan, Seth, Sheila, Olivia, Cindy, Sharon, Shannon, Angel, Razelene

  • November Meeting Minutes Approval – Jen Chen motioned to approve, Sharon seconded, all approved

President’s Report (Jenny)

  • Upcoming Foundation Fundraising Events: Silent Auction & Jog-A-Thon

  • Working behind the scenes with Jen, Sheila, Seth, Julie, and Megan. Just think this is going to be amazing!

  • Silent Auction: Silent Auction will be on Friday, Dec 2 starting at 5pm

  • We have lots of donations that will take a lot of hands to get this done

  • We’re up to 65 bidders registered. Link will be sent out this week.

  • The kids’ raffle includes about 15 items. Plan is to make flyers.

  • Lawn signs with the QR codes were picked up from the district today.

  • Class baskets will be shown in front of the school the whole week leading up to the day of.

  • We will be there to address questions for parents and families that have never been to the auction.

  • Silent Auction will be announced at Thursday Sing and Foundation baskets will be on display.

  • Important to communicate that the Silent Auction is one of the biggest fundraisers for the school.

Principal Report (Mrs. Peterson)

  • Impact teacher (who had accepted a 3 day a week position) had to stop suddenly earlier this month.

  • We needed someone to transition quickly into the role. One of the current impact teachers (who was 2 days a week) was able to add on 2 additional days, so we are technically down by only 1 day.

  • We are going to re-group as a leadership team to see if that’s working or figure out what to do about that last day.

  • Impact is a maximum of 16 hours by the district. AIR is a maximum of 19 hours.

  • Primary music (one day a week for a few hours, in January): a few interested people have reached out. Info will be placed in the Sunday Bulletin and our primary teachers will decide who they want to move forward.

  • Everyone is excited about our Silent Auction.

  • The new counselor asked if she could participate; welcomed her to put on as many activities/items as she wants. New staff were asking what the typical teacher-led events were.

  • We’re so thankful for all of you.

Teacher Report (Ms. Sheikh/Mr. Figone)

  • Mr. Figone: We received really good response for the teacher experience for teacher time.

  • Ms. Sheikh: ASD teachers were fine with pizza lunch

  • Jenny: Every teacher donated. There are amazing teacher experiences and lots of new ones. Donations: school counselor, TOSA, principal for the day, front row seats to graduation, etc. Thank you so much!

Financials/Reserves (Jen Chen)

  • Venmo Business Account:

  • We have a Venmo charity account associated with our email account ABES Foundation.

  • Jenny- We'll get it set up for raffle tickets (mega prize and kids raffle tickets).

  • Finances:

  • We had a deficit of $10,000 last month, and now have a deficit of $1,800

  • Includes $41,000 reserves for the impact teachers. If there’s a change in the impact teacher salaries and numbers, we can rework that.

  • Jenny: We had already figured out that we were going to pay x amount of dollars for the impact teacher that was working 3 days a week. Since that person is no longer here and the current impact teacher can pick up some of those 3 days, that salary changes.

  • Jen Chen: With the impact teachers, we pay half of the salary at the beginning of the year and pay the other half at the end, so we’ve already paid that 50% deposit. But now because the teachers are changing, we need to figure out what’s going to happen.

  • October donations:

  • Overall, in October, we have a total of $8,161 ($6,000 coming from donations and $2,000 coming from corporate. A lot of corporate matches are starting to come in.)

  • Total income: So far this year- $38,896.

  • Expenses: Spent $200 for the Silent Auction (printing, lawn signs, etc.)

PA/Wireless Mic System- Review Proposal (Total: $7,500)

  • Olivia: Addressed issues with sound and difficulty hearing students during Thursday gathering/Talent Show

  • Sweetwater Music Instruments and Pro Audio has an education department

  • Eric contacted Sweetwater for an educational department Mic System inquiry. Sweetwater staff mentioned: Mic system is a good one. It should work well, be reliable, and should last about 5 years.

  • In the past, we paid roughly $8,000 with Mrs. Shaw as principal and items were purchased 2-3 years ago when Mr. Park was principal. Proposal includes: a headset mic, cables, sub-woofer, etc.

  • Jenny: PA/Wireless Mic System - Proposal $7,413.91. Very detailed. 

  • Foundation received an email copy of the proposal. Jenny reviewed a hard copy of the proposal- It has 3 wireless, headsets with body packs, etc. Olivia addressed wireless headsets.

  • Jenny: Discussed need for Audio Visual Lead-

  • Goal: To have 1-2 people on-site who have the responsibility for the materials (which includes maintaining equipment and ensuring proper use of the equipment.) Training on equipment is needed before use.

  • Mrs. Peterson: No one on audio and visual. There’s a gathering crew and school-wide assemblies are run more by the leadership team. We would have to find someone willing to volunteer.

  • Olivia: Eric doesn’t mind helping. We can also streamline it so teachers can learn.

  • Jenny: Communication to be sent out addressing the need for audio visual lead volunteer(s).

  • Jenny: PA/Wireless Mic System Update-

  • November Virtual Vote- Outdoor Audio Equipment:

  • The Foundation approved to fund the new PA/Wireless Mic System for ABES (approved 11/19/2022).

Be Strong-A-Thon/Jog-A-Thon (Sheila/Seth)

  • Be Strong-A-Thon/Jog-A-Thon update:

  • Sheila: Waiting for the official date. The Jog-A-Thon point of contact is ready for the contract.

  • Jenny: Progress of finalizing date reviewed-

  • Looking to have it 2 weeks towards the end of March on a Friday the 31st- morning was already booked, Friday afternoon was offered, but it would not be good to run after lunch.

  • So, looking potentially to have the Jog-A-Thon on Thursday (which will be tight since we have 3 different recess times and 4 different lunch times.)

  • There are 120 TK/K students and they need to have their own time.

  • Proposed schedule: Sent to Mrs. Peterson and teacher liaisons for feedback. Thursday Sing would end at 8:30am, then depending on grade level, proposed TK/K would be first. A large group would go after Thursday Sing, then have a little bit of snack/recess then grade levels will go the rest of the day.

  • Need to distribute/place wrists bands on in a timely manner. Run time will be 30 minutes.

  • The company is all about covid precautions

  • There will be no bounce houses, no money grab machine

  • Jenny: wristbands and disinfectant spray will be provided

  • The company is giving incentives week by week for the teachers.

Family Dance Event- February Dance (Olivia, Cindy, Sharon)

  • February Dance: Save the Date - Friday, February 10th; name of dance to be determined

  • Foundation discussed: potential contacts Foundation can reach out to for catering

Parliamentarian/Bylaws (Paloma)

  • ABES Bylaws were enacted 20 years ago

  • Back then, the purpose of the of the Foundation was to introduce and maintain computer and multimedia workstations in each classroom

  • The Foundation has grown, and we’ve met many of our goals and gone past that.

  • Current Bylaws reviewed and discussed. Updated bylaws to be presented to the board for review, revision, and ratification next month

Silent Auction (Julie/Megan)

  • Silent Auction Status:

  • 95% of our asks entered on the auction website. Thank you, Jenny! She’s helped us a lot and put in considerable effort. All class baskets are wrapped and ready to go (range from $100 to over $300.)

  • Food truck options- RomBom Burger, Taco option, Baskin Robbins (ice cream/root beer floats)

  • Stacy with trio- will do singing or live performances. 5-5:30pm

  • Jenny: Over 200 items (worth over $25,000)

  • Silent Auction Volunteers:

  • Volunteer sign up: Pretty much everyone signed up for everything- Thank you so much!

  • Have 10+ setting up; MRP Set-up time: 1:45 pm (set up tables and get all items in).

  • Sheila and Cindy will do the mega prize.

  • Jenny- we'll do hard raffle tickets. We have already sold 530 tickets.

  • Megan and volunteers will help with the kids’ activities.

  • Jenny: Door guards to monitor flow and ensure no/food drinks in MPR. Winning bid checkouts: Before leaving MPR, show receipt at door to ensure correct items are received by winners.

  • Winning items that are not picked up: determine designated garage for general pick-up area

  • Jenny: Silent Auction Communication:

    • We’re going to be sending lots of communication. If you’re not seeing anything from your room parents or teachers, please let Jenny know.

    • 5th grade will run snacks/drinks/beverages to help with their 5th grade graduation.

    • Cordial Emails will be sent to teachers inviting them to attend.

PTA Liaison (Angel)

  • PTA 2022-2023 School of Excellence Award:

  • This Thursday Sing, Mrs. Peterson and Poway Unified School District representatives will present the PTA 2022-2023 School of Excellence Award to Adobe Bluffs.

  • Brenda did a lot of work last year to send out surveys about community engagement and parent teacher relationships. They did a whole write up.

  • PTA Association Meeting- Thursday evening

  • Li Laoshi will be speaking about how to nurture Mandarin not only in immersion but also the FLES program for students.

  • December: Dine Out Nights- will be at Joyee's Dumpling place

  • January: Heritage Night- Need adults to help create culturally appropriate foods; hoping to have food from around the world

  • February: Author’s Fair

  • March: Ability Awareness- Special Olympics will come to our school.

  • Book Fair was super successful. PTA made $400 with pizza. Next book fair will be buy one, get one free in April.

Next meeting: Monday, December 12th

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Please remember to write each child's name and teacher in the notes section at check out.

©2023 by Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation.  |  Tax ID Number: 35-2183349

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