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Meet Shannon Dawkins, Small Events Chair

Name Shannon Dawkins

Current role on the Foundation Board Small Events Chair

Other volunteer roles held at ABES Father/Daughter dance chair, Lovefest Co-Chair

Children Dominic (2nd grade), Harper (Kinder), Finley (preschool), & Luca (2)

Profession Psychotherapist turned stay at home mom / organizer of chaos

Hobbies reading, working out, playing piano, cooking, travel, gardening, perusing Target, listening to throwback jams, making lists.

Favorite food Cheese, without question!

Favorite place to travel Italy, Costa Rica, California Coast

Best part about volunteering at the school? Getting to know our awesome teachers and staff, supporting our students, and meeting new parents and families

Where were you born? San Diego, though spent many years in LA before returning home.

Any special awards or achievements of which you are proud? Being a mom is my greatest achievement!

Best piece of advice you’ve received Always be kind.

Fun Fact We have 4 Lab rescue dogs, and over 90 varieties of fruit and avocado trees we’ve planted in our garden. Verdict is still out on who benefits more from the fruits of our labor (pun intended), our kids or our pups!


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Please remember to write each child's name and teacher in the notes section at check out.

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