Name: Erin Bauchman
Current role on the Foundation Board: VP, Communications
Other volunteer roles held at ABES: Previously VP, Marketing/Jogathon co-chair
Children: Robert (4th grade), Claire (2nd grade)
Profession: Retail Merchandising & Product Development
Hobbies: Spending time with family, watching sports
Favorite Food: It is a tie - Mexican and Italian
Favorite place to travel: Maui
Best part about volunteering at the school?: Supporting the teachers and staff who do so much for our kids’ growth and development
Where were you born?: Anaheim, CA
Any special awards or achievements of which you are proud?: Being a mom :)
Best piece of advice you’ve received: “Make Each Day Your Masterpiece”
Fun Fact: My great grandmother lived to be 112 and was the 13th oldest person in the US