Christine Paulson

Current role on the Foundation Board
VP of Membership
Other volunteer roles held at ABES
2021/22 - February fundraiser planner (co-managed Lovefest); occasional classroom volunteer
2022/23 - Co-Lead Room Volunteer for Ms. McCrady’s class
Kara, 4th grade in Mr. Dorsey’s class
Nathan, 1st grade in Ms. McCrady’s class
Tank, my 7-year old furry chocolate lab

I’ve spent the past 15 years in B2B tech marketing. I’m currently the Director of Prospect Marketing at Avalara. I worked at ad agencies for 5 years prior to that.
I like outdoorsy stuff - camping, hiking, skiing, family bike rides, going to the beach. Reading Harry Potter for the first time with my daughter, Kara (we just finished book 5, Order of the Phoenix). I enjoy walking my dog everyday and wish I rode my Peloton more often.
Favorite Food
Mexican and Indian food are my favorite!
Favorite place to travel
Anywhere and everywhere! I love to travel, domestically and internationally. I’m trying to get to 3 new states in 2023 (TN, LA, NC) to reach 21 out of 50. We love to vacation in Mexico, ski in Utah & Canada, and have plans to visit Lake Como, Italy in June 2024 without the kids.
Best part about volunteering at the school?
Getting to know the teachers, staff, and other parents. I really look forward to our monthly Foundation meetings - it’s such a fun crew and you get to learn what’s going on behind the scenes, what’s coming up, and how we can make an immediate impact.
Where were you born?
San Jose, CA but then moved to Southern California when I was 2.
Any special awards or achievements of which you are proud?
I’d say getting my executive MBA from San Francisco State while working full-time was one of my proudest achievements.
Best piece of advice you’ve received
I can’t think of personal advice but there are 2 sayings I like:
“If you rest, you rust” - I saw this on a billboard once and it’s something I remind myself everyday, and try to preach to my older family members.
“Positive attracts positive” - I try to embody this at work, with the kids, with my spouse, with strangers. It’s challenging but I know it works.
Fun Fact
I’m a wannabe Canadian - my husband, Jeff, and the kids have dual citizenship. And I’m a proud Bruin (go UCLA!).