Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation Meeting Notes
(4/17/2023 6pm-6:45pm Zoom and Jenny Tomlin's house)
Jenny Tomlin, Jen Chen, Mrs. Peterson, Ms. Sheikh, Mr. Figone, Megan, Angie Seth, Sharon, Angel, Razelene
March Meeting Minutes Approval – Jen Chen motioned to approve, Sharon seconded, all approved
President’s Report (Jenny)
Thank you Jog-A-Thon Luncheon
Thank you luncheon on Monday before Jog-A-Thon
Thank you to teachers, all staff, and Principal Peterson, Teresa, Sundee. We appreciate all of you!
Parent/Guardian Survey
Talked about possibly sending out a parent/guardian survey asking if they know what PTA and Foundation do. A survey link from another school was sent as a sample. Could be a joint PTA/Foundation survey.
Creates awareness of programs and gets parents’ feedback on what funds they would like used, do they want more information, do they want to be more involved, etc.
Recruiting 2023/24
Close to filling every position. Openings:
Membership, Marketing, Silent Auction Co-Chair for Megan
The Silent Auction could be broken down into smaller specific roles:
Mega prize raffle: Disneyland gift cards and writing name on back of gift cards
Kids raffle: Shannon, Ali
Class baskets
If anyone knows who can commit to smaller tasks, reach out.
Yearbook Party – Tuesday, June 6th
In MPR and outside. Students will pick up their purchased yearbook in the MPR.
Will do raffles. A pizza vendor will be on site.
Asked 4th Grade if they would like to sell snacks or desserts. If not, recommend getting a dessert vendor on site.
Yearbook team purchased extra yearbooks. Cannot be put on reserve. Will be first come, first serve
End of Year Celebration- Possibly Fri, 6/2, Sun 6/4, or Mon 6/5
Usually done Monday after school gets out
Jenny will send out above dates to choose date that works best for everyone
Paloma provided feedback on bylaws. Will have at next meeting.
Other items:
No bingo this year due to simultaneous events coinciding with PTA and Foundation during the month of April.
Can potentially move Jog-A-Thon to a time where it doesn’t rain
Fundraising annual goal: Unless we have a real financial need, see if we really need to make a higher goal each year. Need to make an appropriate goal based on funding needs as well as potential needs. Something to talk about for next year.
Principal Report (Mrs. Peterson)
End of the year volunteer celebration: Save the date will be sent out to Foundation board members and PTA
8 weeks left of school
Teacher Report (Ms. Sheikh/Mr. Figone)
Ms. Sheikh: Working on teacher follow-up survey- will go out within next week or so
Suggestion from teachers to post fundraising goals for impact and PE teachers for all parents to see on a thermometer banner
Jenny mentioned discussion she had with Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Lemaster regarding impact teachers/music teachers’ salaries
School is growing: Need for more hours, more teachers, inflation
In years past this was $55K, this year was $60-65K, next year possibly $70-75K needed to fund teachers’ salaries
50% of salaries are normally funded up front
Financials/Reserves (Jen Chen)
Current total- $67,800 (does not include Jog-A-Thon). Some on reserve.
Fully paid choir teacher
Still figuring out invoice of impact teachers
Funds on reserve (without impact teachers): $11,000
PE teacher invoice is usually in July- will see if the district can bill sooner to pay earlier like other funds.
Mrs. Peterson: Mrs. Sanseverino is paid by the Foundation in a different way than others.
Jenny: Mrs. Sanseverino is at maximum hours. We have close to 600 students.
Potentially will need a new PE teacher next year. Current PE teacher wants to decrease hours, not completely step out, but wants to find someone to be her partner.
Need to set aside more reserves for additional PE teacher
Would like to get job posted asap
Mrs. Peterson- PE teacher is currently working 19 hours max, serving all students. Would need 3 or 4 more hours to cover the whole school
Jenny: will be conservative and increase up to $25K for PE teachers next year
Second Ask Update (Christine/Peggy)
Christine sent Jenny a timeline. Will send out a recap to Foundation members of what timeline will look like
Jenny: survey with what an impact teacher is and what value you see as a principal and teachers
Mrs. Peterson: Mrs. Lemaster took survey from teachers- received quotes/feedback regarding impact teachers
Jog-A-Thon Update (Sheila/Seth)
Jenny: 431 students registered
Made $40,700- largest fundraiser Foundation has ever had
Prizes were distributed to students except for 3 students (just received on Friday)
Instead of a popsicle or donut party, suggestion for each class to pick out playground equipment.
Each class could take a survey of what equipment they would like.
Mrs. Peterson suggested that on day the extra equipment is distributed, an extra 5 minutes of recess can be added
Rattle snake egg surprise items were low on supply: now every teacher should have received those items to pass out to students
Jenny received constructive feedback regarding the Jog-A-Thon
Tried to distribute prizes this year in a different manner
Looked at different vendors for Jog-A-Thon
30 minutes running is too long
Open to other feedback. Overall, kids had a good time
Mrs. Peterson: Thank you, Jenny, Seth, Sheila, and all Foundation members for successfully getting through the Jog-A-Thon! I’m so grateful for everything we’ve done.
PTA Liaison (Angel)
Book Fair: Buy one, get one free
Fresco Del Sur Fundraiser: April 24-27th. All proceeds will be donated to the school.
Ability Awareness had a good turnout. Thank you to all our volunteers! It was a fun experience for staff, volunteers, and students.
Teacher Appreciation Week: May 1-5th
Jenny: We appreciate all the PTA does! Ability Awareness was awesome. The school that came on site provided phenomenal volunteers. It was all well done.
Next meeting: Monday, May 8th