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March 2023 Meeting Minutes

Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation Meeting Notes

(3/13/2022 6:15pm-7:30pm Zoom and Jenny Tomlin's house)


  • Jenny Tomlin, Jen Chen, Christine, Erin, Mrs. Peterson, Ms. Sheikh, Megan, Sheila, Seth, Olivia, Sharon, Paloma, Elyse, Rebecca, Angel, Razelene

  • February Meeting Minutes Approval – Paloma motioned to approve, Christine seconded, all approved

President’s Report (Jenny)

  • Jog-A-Thon Date Confirmation (3/20-3/30)

  • PUSD Foundation Summit Info

    • Jenny joined the district Summit meeting.

    • Other schools are also looking to find impact teachers, substitutes, and music teachers.

      • Foundation is looking for a music teacher. Our choir teacher that teaches 3rd and 4th grade is teaching at a number of other schools in the district has tapped out. 5th grade gets band through the district but TK through 2nd grade don’t get music.

      • A number of schools in the district cannot find a music teacher and have gone to a business that is hired to bring music teachers into their music program (used by Del Sur Elementary, Willow Grove).

      • More expensive to go through this business than hiring a teacher. Park Village has a quote of $11,000 for one 12-week program; probably need two 12-week programs to potentially cover TK-4th. Could be a $4-5,000 expense to $20,000.

      • Once we get the numbers, we’ll discuss with the Foundation, teachers, principal and see if it is still a high priority initiative or if everybody thinks funds should be spent elsewhere.

    • Also talked about hiring a General Instructional Aid (Gen Ed IA)

      • Per Mrs. Peterson, this is an aid that would support the teachers

      • Jenny- Can we negotiate a discount based upon the number of elementary schools who find themselves in the similar situation?

      • Jenny will get an independent proposal for Adobe and reach out to Park Village and Del Sur Foundation presidents and talk about pricing

    • Discussed difficulty of all schools within district having difficulty filling positions to cover classes

      • At Summit meeting, discussed potentially getting someone that can fill in for impact teachers, that can substitute, have multi-task ability to fill in vacant roles when teachers are sick/absent

    • Jenny: General feedback from Mrs. LeMaster and Mrs. Peterson that was received from teachers:

      • We need more help; teachers need more help when someone is out and need coverage when teachers are sick/need to be out.

      • We could use a general education instruction aid. We need our impact teachers and additional counselor assistant hours, possibly 2 days a week to support things like recess where one credentialed counselor can’t be in 2 places at once during competitive play where conflict can arise and help with the Enrichment program we implemented.

      • Our school has a counselor 5 days a week based on our school size. Not every elementary school has a counselor 5 days a week.

    • Foundation is here to support addressing/funding those needs

    • Funds raised through Foundation fundraisers and student/family donations:

      • If we have extra funds, the Foundation can see if parents, guardians, teachers would want other things that the Foundation can look into that we can bring to our students (such as: coding, science, languages, etc.)

  • New Logo Signage

    • About $1,200

  • P.E. Equipment

    • Purchased about $1,500. Students will be learning flag football, pickle ball, softball, and volleyball through P.E. the rest of the year depending on grade level with Mrs. Sanseverino.

  • May Event Discussion- PTA has a lot of events: Art show in May

  • Parent/Guardian Survey

  • Volunteer Hours

    • Spreadsheet sent out (voluntary). Helps PTA show how many hours it takes to make our school run based upon volunteers.

  • Recruiting 2023/24

    • Looking to fill items under Silent Auction, Silent Auction Co-Chair, Marketing Co-Chair, Membership Co-Chair. Angie is potentially willing to help with marketing or membership.

    • Let Jenny know if anyone is interested.

Principal Report (Mrs. Peterson)

  • We are loving our New Raven Logo branding that went up in the front of the school. Thank you for getting that done so quickly!

  • Impact Teachers::

    • Foundation pays for a certain number of hours for Impact Teachers

    • Data will be collected on which grade levels and how many students in groups who are working on reading, comprehension, math, etc. with impact teachers)

    • Mrs. Peterson mentioned: We have an impact teacher for primary and an impact teacher for upper grades and teachers are constantly analyzing the data and regrouping and impact is the #1 strategy beyond small groups for all levels.

    • Mrs. Peterson emphasized how much teachers’ love/depend on impact teachers’ role on student learning, working with students in individual/small groups who are struggling and those who are excelling beyond teachers’ own separate small groups and how the whole classroom benefits

Teacher Report (Ms. Sheikh/Mr. Figone)

  • Feedback for Jog-A-Thon was emailed to Jenny

Financials/Reserves (Jen Chen)

  • February Income: $5,519

    • Mainly from Sweetheart dance, a few hundred from monthly autopay family donations, and a couple of corporate matches

  • Expenses: around $3,320

    • Majority for P.E. equipment and new MPR signage that was approved (half paid in February, other half paid in early March). Other expenses: Sweetheart dance, pizza parties for the Silent Auction

  • Total Balance- $67,900

  • Funds on Reserve- about $40,000 for teachers’ salaries

    • Jenny: Foundation estimates funds needed for teachers’ salaries based on scope of work. Foundation is normally billed 50% of teacher’s salaries in October before teachers work so funds are put on reserve (which are normally rolled over from the year prior to pay for teachers’ salaries at the end of the year). Foundation gets billed at the end of the year.

      • Jenny will reach out at the end of the year for a bill to pay for teachers’ salaries.

    • Jen: We received bills from the prior school year of about $33,000 in July, which should’ve been at the end of last year, but it took them a while to send it to us (which is why the Foundation started in the red this school year).

  • Available balance- $18,647

    • Jenny discussed need to determine salary adjustments payments

      • Hired 2 part-time impact teachers, 1 full-time teacher, 1 part-time chose not to start

      • Mrs. Peterson has a Learning Support Services (LSS) Budget that was used to extend hours for 1 part-time teacher to become a full-time impact teacher with other roles

        • Funding for LSS budget varies and isn’t guaranteed.

        • There is no minimal amount of funding that the principal can expect.

        • Foundation will continue to help fund impact teachers

      • $6,000 paid to teacher who chose not to start- will go back to Foundation, which can possibly be used for other incentives presented by parents, guardians, teachers, and staff.

  • Potential Available balance- with $6,000 added to available balance- around $24-25,000

    • Jen and Jenny will connect with Mrs. Peterson and Janet Barbo to reconfirm what spending will look like based on hours worked.

    • Will get a mid-year touch point on salaries that the Foundation agreed to pay and account for how many hours worked.

Second Ask Update (Christine/Peggy)

  • Funds raised will help pay for P.E., Impact, Music/Choir Teachers, etc.

  • Second Ask Brochure: in English and Mandarin. Thank you to everyone who contributed to it. Thank you Rebecca for designing it.

  • Envelope Stuffing & Timing (Tues). Distribution date TBD

  • Roll out timeframe to be decided by committee chairs

  • Jenny: there will be a lot of communication over the next 3 weeks with Jog-A-Thon, Talent Show and Ability Awareness Week

Jog-A-Thon Update (Sheila/Seth)

  • Jog-A-Thon Date Confirmation (3/20- 3/30). Jog-A-Thon is now our largest fundraiser.

  • Discussed prize distribution

    • Volunteers needed to help fill prize orders and pass out prizes

      • Anticipate 3 distributions dates, TBD

      • Mrs. Sheik: follow up with teachers who can come out and assist with prize distribution; will send out a mini survey to see who can volunteer.

      • More details will be communicated via email.

    • Volunteer dates updated (via 3/20 email):

      • Prizes from vendor will be delivered weekend of 3/26, date to meet changed:

        • 3/27 to assemble Jog-A-Thon prizes from 10am-2pm at (Sheila's house)

        • 3/28- 12-1 pm distribute prizes (older grades) during school

        • 3/28- 2 pm (younger grades) after school.

      • Contact Sheila to volunteer

    • Possible other distribution dates TBD

  • Discussed day of event

    • Volunteers needed day of event (8 am - 11:30 am)

    • ID bracelets will be placed in bags in numerical order to pass out to classes to get on students

    • Contact Sheila, Seth, or Jenny to volunteer

PTA Liaison (Angel/Jenny)

  • PTA Association Meeting: This Thursday at 6:30 pm. Mrs. Cline will speak about the importance of reading at home with your child. Will talk about PTA recruiting for board and event chairs.

  • Jog-A-Thon: Monday, March 20- Thursday, March 30

  • Ability Awareness Family Preview: March 23 (Accessibility TOSA from district will talk about what ability awareness is)

  • Talent Show: Friday, March 24 at 5:30 pm

  • Ability Awareness Week: Monday April 3- Friday April 7

  • April Book Fair: Buy one, get one free

  • Art Show: in May

  • Spirit Wear orders: it will arrive in about 2-3 weeks

Next meeting: Monday, April 3rd (date changed due to Spring Break)

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©2023 by Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation.  |  Tax ID Number: 35-2183349

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