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Funding 2022-2023 Salaries, Health Office Supplies

Did you know that many of the teachers from which our kids benefit from are not paid by the Poway Unified School District? Or that PUSD only provides $100 toward health office supplies annually?

Each year the Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation funds both of these items, and more, to ensure that our kids have the best possible school experience.

In June and July, the Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation board voted to approve $66,781 to fund teacher salaries for the 2022-2023 school year. This includes the cost of:

  • PE teacher for 4 days/week,

  • music teacher 1 day/week,

  • two impact teachers each for 2 days/week, and

  • one impact teacher 4 days/week.

The board also voted to allocate $500 to the health office so it can purchase supplies (band aids, ice packs, etc) to have the office for the start of the year.

Additional votes included the approval of Shannon Dawkins as the Small Events Chair, and Seth Camhi as the Jog-a-Thon co-chair, as well as a subscription renewal for a group Zoom account so ABES Families can attend meetings virtually if they choose. To see a full recap of Foundation meeting minutes, click here.

Without the generous contributions by the ABES Families our children would go without these critical services. We thank you for making your annual gift. For more about annual donations, visit here.


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Please remember to write each child's name and teacher in the notes section at check out.

©2023 by Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation.  |  Tax ID Number: 35-2183349

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