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February 2023 Meeting Minutes

Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation Meeting Notes

(2/13/2022 6:04pm-6:52pm Zoom and Julie Peecha-Gonzales' house)


  • Jenny Tomlin, Jen Chen, Annie, Erin, Ms. Sheikh, Mr. Figone, Julie, Megan, Seth, Sheila, Olivia, Cindy, Sharon, Shannon, Elyse, Angel, Razelene, Jen V.

  • January Meeting Minutes Approval – Olivia motioned to approve, Sharron seconded, all approved

President’s Report (Jenny T.)

  • Teacher Pizza Lunch Recap (Silent Auction)

    • Foundation hosted the Teacher Pizza Lunch one on one. Kids absolutely adored it.

  • WIX renews 2/23/2023 - $324 to $384 per year (Renewal is going up to $384 per year)

    • Foundation’s main platform/hosted website to push out social media and gather money for events

    • If Foundation wants to explore, there are other options (ex. another foundation uses Cheddar Up).

  • New Logo (Ball Wall Painting, Signage on MPR, Ideas?)

    • New Adobe Bluffs Raven logo was released on Spirit Wear website

      • Poway Unified hired a graphic artist for the entire school district

      • Adobe Bluffs was one of the first schools to use them to create our school logo

    • Signage on MPR: Foundation was asked to create some signage to go with the new Raven logo that will go where the Aztec used to be; Foundation to vote on signage

      • The Foundation also paid for the Blue Ribbon that went up in the MPR.

      • Jenny went to the same vendor and asked if our school can get the same circle, same size, same everything and install the logo. Costs about $1,200 and will be done in 2 weeks

    • Other creative idea suggestions

      • Foundation can ask other schools that have a marquee and look into that

      • Angel: Marisella was thinking about re-doing some of the areas that have Aztec on it.

  • AmazonSmile Ends 2/20/2023 (Amazon will instead donate to their own charities of choice)

    • Amazon will provide a one-time donation equivalent to 3 months of what was earned in 2022

    • Jen Chen- Foundation received about a couple hundred dollars a year

  • Purchased Outdoor Lighting $65

    • Outdoor lighting was purchased for the dance that can be used for future events.

    • For Silent Auction, the Foundation rented handheld flood lights for the dark outdoor cafeteria area.

  • Silent Auction Roles - Class Baskets, Teacher Experiences, Mega Prize, Kids Raffle, Food Trucks

    • Megan will continue as Silent Auction Chair; would love to find a Silent Auction Co-Chair

    • Looking for Leads who are needed to manage these categories:

      • Class Baskets- (send emails for itemized list of what’s in basket to come up with a value)

      • Teacher Experience- (teachers enter into Google Sheets. Lead enters into website)

      • Mega Prize & Communication-

        • Jenny recommends Disneyland. Lead who runs Mega Prize to explore options

        • Elyse has a possible contact for codes

        • Friends of the Foundation sponsorship discussed

        • Mega Prize Lead to also do communications- team will help out

      • Kids Raffle- Shannon (2 people at kids raffle). Need 10-15 items: could be retail, $20 each. Jenny already has 5 items for the kids raffle. If you have items, give to Jenny to store.

      • Food Trucks- (make certain to reach out to vendors regarding timing, insurance, etc.)

    • If anyone would like to step up, let Jenny know. Jenny can fill in as needed.

  • VOTE - $1,500 for P.E. Equipment

    • Mrs. Sanseverino provided a very detailed list of PE Equipment. There are different things she wants to teach students (ex. Pickleball) depending on dexterity and skill level of grades.

      • Olivia monitored to approve, Julie seconded, all approved (2/13/2023)

  • VOTE - $1,200 for School Logo Signage (on outside MPR)

    • School logo signage cost will cover labor production and installation of fully fabricated sign that will be adhered to drywall. It will cover the outside of MPR where the old Aztec used to be.

    • Signage will mirror the Blue Ribbon circle the Foundation purchased for the MPR but will be the new school logo; it will be visible from the street.

      • Megan monitored to approve, Shannon seconded, all approved (2/13/2023)

  • Recruiting 2023-2024

    • Discussed board roles, current members, and possible openings for next school year 2023-2024

    • Board roles-

      • President- Jenny

      • Immediate Past President, Blog- Angie

      • Membership- Christine out of membership, Peggy will remain, Angie may help out

      • Treasurer- Jen Chen stepping down (role- sync bank account to Excel spreadsheet, see where money goes; work on own time)

      • Secretary - Razelene

      • Marketing- Annie (Erin wants to try something new)

      • Small Events Chair, Kids Raffle-Shannon (welcome back picnic, ?holiday photoshoot TBD)

      • Jog-A-Thon- Julie agreed to help out. Sheila, Seth, Julie

      • Dance Co-Chairs- Sharon, Olivia, Cindy

      • Webmaster, Graphic Artist- Rebecca

      • Yearbook- Abby and Jenny L. (Jenny L. to recruit internally with those who have helped out on the yearbook when term is done.)

      • Parliamentarian- Waiting to hear back if Paloma will remain as Parliamentarian.

      • PTA Liaison- Jenny T. has been acting as PTA Liaison and Angel has been acting as Foundation Liaison. If the role stays open, Jenny can just continue going to the meetings.

      • General members- a lot of names are general members: we will continue to include them

        • Olivia: Volunteers tend to always be the same people. Might reach out and ask if people would like to volunteer for 1 hour for next year?

      • Mr. Figone and Ms. Sheikh- like idea of having a time limit with volunteering, rather than taking over an entire event

      • There are so many people at our school that have talents that we could use. It’s finding those gems that would let us use those talents. Jenny will send something more formal.

Principal Report (Mrs. Peterson)

  • (Not present)

Teacher Report (Ms. Sheikh/Mr. Figone)

  • Teacher Experiences Update

    • Ms. Sheikh- Going great, majority of them have been done.

    • Mr. Figone- Mrs. Dake and Mrs. Lin are doing pizza day this Thursday.

  • Jog-A-Thon

    • Jenny- working on 1 pm timeframe so can keep to 45 minutes, will keep Ms. Sheikh posted

    • Ms. Sheikh- will let teachers know still waiting on timeframe for Jog-A-thon

  • Teacher Supply Donation

    • Ms. Sheikh and Mr. Figone confirmed with Foundation that teachers had a good turnout for one time donation for supplies

Financials/Reserves (Jen Chen)

  • January’s income: around $4,500

    • Majority came from the Sweetheart dance sales, corporate matches and family donations

  • Expenses: around $1,800

    • Major categories- spent for Recess Enrichment Program (Recess enrichment: for kids who don’t want to play competitive sports like four square/opportunity to do different organized things)

      • They are looking to potentially get some volunteers on site to help with recess enrichment (1 hour twice a week). If know anyone or if you would like to volunteer, let them know.

    • CPR Training invoice received- paid

  • Current balance- $66,900, with another $3,000 coming in from Sweetheart dance

  • Funds on Reserve- about $42,000

  • Available balance- $17,000

  • Jenny discussed: estimate of what Jog-A-Thon and Second Ask may bring at the end of the year and would like to roll some over to help pay for teachers' salaries. If there’s something where teachers see a gap or need, let the Foundation know.

Family Dance Recap- February Dance (Olivia/Cindy/Sharon)

  • Family Dance Recap:

    • Olivia: Sweetheart dance was awesome. Kids looked happy, parents were happy. Everyone got to make it their own experience. Photobooth and wands were a hit.

    • Thank you!!!

      • Thank you to all the staff that came to the dance.

      • Thank you Marston Orthodontics for sponsoring- we put it on the Facebook page and a few things. They sponsored $500, which covered the photobooth cost.

      • Thank you to the volunteers that came out, really appreciate it. Set-up, clean-up, etc.

      • Thank you to Kathy Stevens. If anyone knows how to make balloon arches, reach out.

      • Thank you so much to Rebecca for the fantastic invitation.

      • Jenny: Thank you everyone! There was a large village that participated in getting this together including husbands Eric and DJ Matt; got a lot of compliments on the DJ.

    • If anyone on Foundation didn’t go, please let the committee know why. Trying to figure out if it’s just preference, busy time, sports, etc.

    • Olivia- 1 more raffle prize to deliver, will go out this week.

Second Ask Update (Christine/Peggy)

  • Second Ask: PTA started their Second Ask this week. Christine and Peggy are working on their timelines.

    • Chirstine plans to start after Ski-week break and will go through March with a possible competition to win a class St. Patrick’s Days party

    • Jenny will meet with Christine on timeline; then volunteers will stuff envelopes

  • Jenny asked how much was made from last year’s Second Ask from 2021-2022 school year:

    • Jen Chen- Second Ask was about $4,000 last school year

Jog-A-Thon Update (Sheila/Seth/Jenny T.)

  • Jog-A-Thon Date Confirmation (3/20-3/30)

    • Monday, March 20 at 1 pm- Assembly kick-off

    • Sheila and Jenny met last week to figure out logistics.

      • This year will be the same day as Thursday Sing. Will have parents on site that may help

      • School has 4 lunches: Looking to do 2 tracks (each can hold 120 kids). Have 560 kids.

      • Will be a tight turnover with people coming off the track and next group must be on the track with their ID bracelets (a special ID number is tied to each student’s name)

    • Discussed prize distribution: Planning Friday prize pick up from 2-3 pm instead of passing out prizes in the classroom. Suggested a box or 2 for each class on tables outside of school.

    • Volunteers needed:

      • Help fill prize orders and pass out prizes on Friday (3/24 and 3/31 2-3 pm)

      • Day of event (8-11:30 am) - At least three

PTA Liaison (Jenny T./Angel)

  • Unique year- March & April packed with events

    • Jog-A-Thon: Monday, March 20- Thursday March 30

    • Talent Show: Friday, March 24

    • Ability Awareness Week: Monday April 3- Friday April 7

Next meeting: Monday, March 13th

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Please remember to write each child's name and teacher in the notes section at check out.

©2023 by Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation.  |  Tax ID Number: 35-2183349

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