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April 2023 Meeting Minutes

Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation Meeting Notes

(4/17/2023 6pm-6:45pm Zoom and Jenny Tomlin's house)


  • Jenny Tomlin, Jen Chen, Mrs. Peterson, Ms. Sheikh, Mr. Figone, Megan, Seth, Sharon, Angel, Razelene

  • March Meeting Minutes Approval – Jen Chen motioned to approve, Sharon seconded, all approved

President’s Report (Jenny)

  • Thank you Jog-A-Thon Luncheon

    • Thank you luncheon on Monday before Jog-A-Thon

    • Thank you to teachers, all staff, and Principal Peterson, Teresa, Sundee. We appreciate all of you!

  • Parent/Guardian Survey

    • Talked about possibly sending out a parent/guardian survey asking if they know what PTA and Foundation do. A survey link from another school was sent as a sample. Could be a joint PTA/Foundation survey.

    • Creates awareness of programs and gets parents’ feedback on what funds they would like used, do they want more information, do they want to be more involved, etc.

  • Recruiting 2023/24

    • Close to filling every position. Openings:

      • Membership, Marketing, Silent Auction Co-Chair for Megan

    • The Silent Auction could be broken down into smaller specific roles:

      • Mega prize raffle: Disneyland gift cards and writing name on back of gift cards

      • Kids raffle: Shannon, Ali

      • Class baskets

      • If anyone knows who can commit to smaller tasks, reach out.

  • Yearbook Party – Tuesday, June 6th

    • In MPR and outside. Students will pick up their purchased yearbook in the MPR.

    • Will do raffles. A pizza vendor will be on site.

    • Asked 4th Grade if they would like to sell snacks or desserts. If not, recommend getting a dessert vendor on site.

    • Yearbook team purchased extra yearbooks. Cannot be put on reserve. Will be first come, first serve

  • End of Year Celebration- Possibly Fri, 6/2, Sun 6/4, or Mon 6/5

    • Usually done Monday after school gets out

    • Jenny will send out above dates to choose date that works best for everyone

  • Paloma provided feedback on bylaws. Will have at next meeting.

  • Other items:

    • No bingo this year due to simultaneous events coinciding with PTA and Foundation during the month of April.

    • Can potentially move Jog-A-Thon to a time where it doesn’t rain

    • Fundraising annual goal: Unless we have a real financial need, see if we really need to make a higher goal each year. Need to make an appropriate goal based on funding needs as well as potential needs. Something to talk about for next year.

Principal Report (Mrs. Peterson)

  • End of the year volunteer celebration: Save the date will be sent out to Foundation board members and PTA

  • 8 weeks left of school

Teacher Report (Ms. Sheikh/Mr. Figone)

  • Ms. Sheikh: Working on teacher follow-up survey- will go out within next week or so

    • Suggestion from teachers to post fundraising goals for impact and PE teachers for all parents to see on a thermometer banner

    • Jenny mentioned discussion she had with Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Lemaster regarding impact teachers/music teachers’ salaries

      • School is growing: Need for more hours, more teachers, inflation

      • In years past this was $55K, this year was $60-65K, next year possibly $70-75K needed to fund teachers’ salaries

      • 50% of salaries are normally funded up front

Financials/Reserves (Jen Chen)

  • Current total- $67,800 (does not include Jog-A-Thon). Some on reserve.

  • Fully paid choir teacher

  • Still figuring out invoice of impact teachers

  • Funds on reserve (without impact teachers): $11,000

  • PE teacher invoice is usually in July- will see if the district can bill sooner to pay earlier like other funds.

    • Mrs. Peterson: Mrs. Sanseverino is paid by the Foundation in a different way than others.

  • Jenny: Mrs. Sanseverino is at maximum hours. We have close to 600 students.

    • Potentially will need a new PE teacher next year. Current PE teacher wants to decrease hours, not completely step out, but wants to find someone to be her partner.

    • Need to set aside more reserves for additional PE teacher

    • Would like to get job posted asap

    • Mrs. Peterson- PE teacher is currently working 19 hours max, serving all students. Would need 3 or 4 more hours to cover the whole school

    • Jenny: will be conservative and increase up to $25K for PE teachers next year

Second Ask Update (Christine/Peggy)

  • Christine sent Jenny a timeline. Will send out a recap to Foundation members of what timeline will look like

  • Jenny: survey with what an impact teacher is and what value you see as a principal and teachers

  • Mrs. Peterson: Mrs. Lemaster took survey from teachers- received quotes/feedback regarding impact teachers

Jog-A-Thon Update (Sheila/Seth)

  • Jenny: 431 students registered

  • Made $40,700- largest fundraiser Foundation has ever had

  • Prizes were distributed to students except for 3 students (just received on Friday)

  • Instead of a popsicle or donut party, suggestion for each class to pick out playground equipment.

    • Each class could take a survey of what equipment they would like.

    • Mrs. Peterson suggested that on day the extra equipment is distributed, an extra 5 minutes of recess can be added

  • Rattle snake egg surprise items were low on supply: now every teacher should have received those items to pass out to students

  • Jenny received constructive feedback regarding the Jog-A-Thon

    • Tried to distribute prizes this year in a different manner

    • Looked at different vendors for Jog-A-Thon

    • 30 minutes running is too long

    • Open to other feedback. Overall, kids had a good time

  • Mrs. Peterson: Thank you, Jenny, Seth, Sheila, and all Foundation members for successfully getting through the Jog-A-Thon! I’m so grateful for everything we’ve done.

PTA Liaison (Angel)

  • Book Fair: Buy one, get one free

  • Fresco Del Sur Fundraiser: April 24-27th. All proceeds will be donated to the school.

  • Ability Awareness had a good turnout. Thank you to all our volunteers! It was a fun experience for staff, volunteers, and students.

  • Teacher Appreciation Week: May 1-5th

  • Jenny: We appreciate all the PTA does! Ability Awareness was awesome. The school that came on site provided phenomenal volunteers. It was all well done.

Next meeting: Monday, May 8th

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